Warforged Titan

A Warforged Titan is a golem, created by an engineer as a servant. It is a mindless construct, animated by an elemental spirit, able to understand simple instructions and programming in a single language chosen at the time of creation. It can speak the same language, with a very simple vocabulary.
The base for a golem's statistics is equal to the level of the engineer who crafted it. Under the command of an Artificer, a golem improves with training, and it is instead based on the Artificer's level.
- Basic Statistics
- Size: Huge (occupies 9 squares, reach is 2 squares)
- Hit Points: 300% of base
- Critical Chance: 20% + 2% per level
- Soak: 20% + 1% per level
- Will: 10% + 1% per 2 levels
- Fort: 20% + 1% per level
- Movement: 10 squares
- Construct: Immune to disease and poison.
- Mindless: Immune to mental effects, except compulsions; a golem's ability to be programmed makes it impossible to be immune to compulsions.
- Fortification: 100%.
- Offensive Abilities
- Hammer: At-will, std, melee attack, burst 1; enemies suffer heavy physical damage. Also creates a sigil in the same area, lasting up to 3 rounds. The sigil has no effect until the golem uses Sigil Detonation.
- Claw: At-will, free (when Hammer is used), offhand melee attack; medium physical damage plus 10% physical vulnerability for 3 rounds (stacks and refreshes, max 50%).
- Sigil Detonation: At-will, free, long range; all sigils in range explode, inflicting heavy damage (based on engine type: fire, arcane, or shadow). In any square affected by more than one sigil, the total damage is increased by 100%.
- Defensive Abilities
- Runes: The Warforged Titan is defended by magical sigils. You may configure its defenses to be strong against physical damage or various energy types. The strength of these defenses is based on the Titan's current engine charge level.
- Change Runes: Recharge 33%, free; changes the golem's runes to one of the three options below:
- Rune of Stoneguard: Golem gains 5% physical resistance per engine charge.
- Rune of Energy Warding: Golem gains 10% resistance to arcane, fire, frost, lightning, and shadow damage per engine charge.
- Rune of Magic Warding: Golem gains 5% spell reflection per engine charge.